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Arts in the Curriculum: Skyline Education offers an integrated and comprehensive performance and visual arts education, aligned to the Arizona State Grade Articulated and National Standards, as well as the National Standards for Arts Education. Courses offered range within the disciplines of Performing and Visual Arts. Students in grades K-12 experience and create as they progress through the programs of dance (ballet, jazz, modern, hip-hop and lyrical dace), theater, music, multiple-medium and -dimension art, photography, graphics and beyond. Students create, relate and evaluate from beginning through advanced level by practical, written, and performance-based assessment.

Art programs are integrated into the daily schedule just as athletic programs to provide students with stimulation around the Arts. Years of research shows that Art is closely linked to almost everything that we as a nation say we want for our children and demand from our schools: academic achievement, social and emotional development, civic engagement, and equitable opportunity (Smith, Edutopia,org).

Keep art alive in Education!

